What is my Role in the Great Commission?


What’s My Role?
Jesus’ last words spoken on earth were, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News.” These words are known as the Great Commission and were not given to a group of missionaries but rather to those who called themselves followers of Jesus.

With 42% of the world still waiting to hear that Jesus loves them, we all have a part to play in this Global Project known as the Great Commission.

Listed below are just a few ways how you can personally be involved in fulfilling the Great Commission.


PRAY MORE for nations in the parts of the world where people do not have access to the Good News about Jesus.

How to Pray


Join a Global team- short term missions trip and pray about a lifetime. It is our vision to raise up individuals, couples and families who are willing to go overseas and share the Gospel.

How to Engage


HELP SEND missionaries overseas by living more simply and supporting missionaries on a monthly basis or by giving to Kingdom Builders to help missionaries complete projects that will help them reach the unreached.

How to Engage


Helping others discover their role in the Great Commission. Humbly share with others the need to reach those who have not heard about Jesus' love.


"Love your neighbor as yourself" Luke 10:27 Befriend someone of a different ethnic background (Who doesn't know Jesus). Learn about their culture and over time, share Jesus with them.